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When you travel to Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand you will be happy to know there is a nice selection of quality hotels at a reasonable rate, to choose from. You might also want to know that there is also a wide range of accommodations to fit any travel budget from no frills to no budget.
1. Sunee Grand Hotel - A new modern hotel conveniently located on the main street running down the center of town. You will find it easy to connect with public transportation to get around the city. There are also many activities available on the hotel compound. It is co-located with a 3-level shopping mall, a small supermarket, a bowling alley and a variety of restaurants. There is also a fitness center and spa for your exercise and relaxation needs. The rooms range from superior to extreme royal suites, the most expensive rooms in the city limits.
2. Tohsang City Hotel - This hotel offers the best service in town. They know the meaning of hospitality. You choose from three room types standard, deluxe and suite with rates to match. You can use the transfer service to and from the airport and enjoy the quiet and comfort provided during your stay in Ubon. The restaurant is known for its quality and delicious cuisine.
3. Laithong Hotel - A good hotel close to the city center. It is famous for its international lunch buffet that is served up every weekday. The amenities here include a swimming pool and spa. The rooms here are typical, though a bit small. Many travelers who have passed through here have enjoyed there stay.
4. Ubon International Hotel - This hotel was formerly named Nevada Grand Hotel but recently changed its name to Ubon International Hotel. If you stay here you will realize it has the best location of any accommodation in town. It is centrally located and several city buses pass by the hotel entrance. Within the hotel there is a swimming pool, restaurant, spa, and disco. If you walk out the front doors, you will see a complex containing several food shops, three restaurants, a movie theater and numerous shops.
This is by no means all the accommodation available in Ubon. These reflect the main, established hotels that are the favorites of travelers who come here for whatever reason. It is certain that no matter what is your budget, the number in your party, or the level of luxury and comfort you want and need, there is something here for everyone.
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